
Private Policy

Our Private Policy is devised to help you feel more confident about the privacy and security of your personal information. CONTABILIDAD.GLOBAL doesn't collect personal information when you visit our web site unless you provide that information in the Contact Form, Free Trial Form, or by phone or email contact.

Please read this privacy policy before using the site or submitting any personal information. By using the site, you are accepting the practices described in this privacy policy and our terms and conditions. These practices may be changed, but any changes will be posted and changes will only apply to activities and information from then on, not retroactive basis. You are encouraged to review the privacy policy whenever you visit the site to make sure that you understand how any personal information you provide will be used.

Personal Information

CONTABILIDAD.GLOBAL collects personal information from the Contact Form in our website, and the information you willingly provide in your emails or phone calls. We only collect information that will help us provide the services stated on our website and Terms and Conditions. All the information you provide will be used to process your subscription as well as for future customer service purposes and marketing. The information we collect is not shared with third parties. The information you submitted will be recorded in our database indefinitely or until you request it to be removed.

Cookies and Navigation

Cookies are used to record the language setting preferences. We collect IP addresses, clicks, and other website navigation data for analytics purposes. These records are used for tracking visitors and their site navigation. Each web page access is recorded and is used to determine how many visitors CONTABILIDAD.GLOBAL serves, what pages they look at most, and from where they connect. This information is not shared with anyone outside our organization.

Credit Card Information

There is a minor record of payment information recorded by our website and payment gateway. We do not record sensitive credit card information for security purposes, unless you grant permission.

Call Recording

We may record calls for quality assurance purposes as well as record keeping. Voicemails are also recorded and stored.

Distribution of Information

We do not share your information with government agencies directly, the information can only be transmitted by you when filing applicable taxes, forms, and other material. We may share your information to other companies assisting us in fraud prevention or investigations. We may do so when: (1) permitted or required by law; or, (2) trying to protect against or prevent actual or potential fraud or unauthorized transactions; or, (3) investigating fraud which has already taken place. No information is provided or sold to companies for marketing purposes or to private third parties.

Data Security

CONTABILIDAD.GLOBAL has security measures in place to protect against the loss, misuse and alteration of the information under our control. Our secure server software (SSL) is the industry standard and among the best software available today for secure e-commerce transactions. We use authorize.net for all secure transactions, keeping sensitive credit card information from being accessed by anyone outside or within of our organization. Our 256-bit encryption systems ensure that we have the most secure authentication and verification procedures in use. Your information can be deleted from our database at any time upon your request.

Removing Information

Please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you wish to have it removed.

Privacy Contact Information

If you have any questions, concerns, or comments about our privacy policy you may contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or any of the provided telephone numbers.


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  • Headquarters
  • Contabilidad.Global
  • 1100 NW 163rd DR
  • Miami, Florida 33169
  • USA +1(305)614-4473
  • info@contabilidad.global
  • https://www.contabilidad.global

Distributor in Bolivia

  • Av. Ayacucho N-775
  • Cochabamba, Bolivia
  • +591 44521811 ó +591 77490620

Distributor in Colombia

  • Contabilidad.Global
  • +57 15088237
© 2016-2019. All Rights Reserved. Contabilidad.Global

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